Visitors 180762
4006 photos

Dear friend and visitor, 各位朋友,

Welcome to my site. The galleries on display here belong in the majority to the categories of
1. Urbanization and architecture in China (both historical and modern);
2. Sacred sites, sacred mountains, and contemporary religious "theme parks";
3. Historical photographs of China (from the 1860s up to the 1960s).
4. Images and impressions from the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976.
5. Visual excursions into California Bay Area culture
(where I live now), and into upstate New York (where I lived for many years).

Taken together, these galleries constitute a visual archive that for the most part is meant to capture and to preserve information (or "evidence of certain developments" perhaps) of times past and present. Not much here is of a personal nature, so do not look for anything related to the author. Note that I do claim a certain amount of authority over and understanding of the subjects treated in this visual fashion.

Note that I maintain an extensive archive of images (both contemporary and historical, digital and print); the on-line galleries presented here constitute only a fraction of my holdings; if you don't see anything you may find useful send me an e-mail, I may have what you are looking for.

Thank you for the interest.

Thomas H. Hahn, Ph.D.
August 2023

Contact Info
AddressUnited States
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Featured Galleries & Collections

Serendipity collection (color)

Visitors 19541
55 photos
Created 12-Sep-23
Modified 12-Sep-23
Serendipity collection (color)

Serendipity collection (Monochromes)

Visitors 5290
66 photos
Created 5-Dec-22
Modified 5-Dec-22
Serendipity collection (Monochromes)

Early photographs of Daoist sites and practice 道教舊影

92 photos
Created 1-Feb-24
Modified 1-Feb-24
Early photographs of Daoist sites and practice 道教舊影

Life in a Chinese city (1985/86)

72 photos
Created 26-Sep-23
Modified 26-Sep-23
Life in a Chinese city (1985/86)

RX100 - Street photography in China

Visitors 2992
60 photos
Created 10-Jun-24
Modified 10-Jun-24
RX100 - Street photography in China

All Photographs

China Urban Planning materials 中国近代城市化图片资料

Galleries 22
Modified 22-Nov-19
997 photos
China Urban Planning materials 中国近代城市化图片资料

Historical photographs of China 中国摄影史图片库

Galleries 32
Modified 29-Aug-20
1059 photos
Historical photographs of China 中国摄影史图片库

Images from the Cultural Revolution 文化大革命图片库档

Galleries 12
Modified 2-May-11
235 photos
Images from the Cultural Revolution 文化大革命图片库档

(Sacred) Mountains and Sites in China 中国名山宫观

Galleries 35
Modified 12-Dec-14
974 photos
(Sacred) Mountains and Sites in China 中国名山宫观

Regional (New York State)

Galleries 7
Modified 10-Aug-21
215 photos
Regional (New York State)

Regional (California)

Galleries 4
Modified 2-Nov-22
119 photos
Regional (California)

People, portraits, candids

Galleries 3
Modified 2-Jan-23
134 photos
People, portraits, candids

Serendipity collection (color)

Visitors 19541
55 photos
Created 12-Sep-23
Modified 12-Sep-23
Serendipity collection (color)

Serendipity collection (Monochromes)

Visitors 5290
66 photos
Created 5-Dec-22
Modified 5-Dec-22
Serendipity collection (Monochromes)

Chinese farmers market - 80年代农副产品市场 (广州)

Visitors 3614
18 photos
Created 21-May-07
Modified 21-May-07
Chinese farmers market - 80年代农副产品市场 (广州)

Lenses and cameras

Galleries 5
Modified 15-Feb-24
134 photos

Guestbook for Thomas H. Hahn Docu-Images
Peter Yung(non-registered)
Hi Thomas,
We met and spoke briefly about photography at the Oakland Chinatown Street Fest. back in Aug and I was the shakuhachi flute player with the Heiwas, the grandmother taiko drummers. Thank you for the images and your site is quite impressive. Look us up at See ya on the path.
Walter Atkins(non-registered)
Looking forward to seeing your FJF2019 work!
Ina Asim(non-registered)
Wonderful galleries - just took a virtual stroll through Wuxi...
Thank you so much for sharing these images!
Da fehlt nur noch ein bisschen Oregon :-) Mal sehen, ob ich Dich einladen kann??!
Herzliche Gruesse,
Dear Thomas,

Your photos from Iran are beautiful, I am very moved by the way you look at people, with depth and also a subtle humour. Thanks, it is so generous to share all these documents with everyone!
The colors of New Orleans - I'm impressed of this album :)
The guestbook is empty.