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Created 22-Jul-06
Modified 22-Jul-06
Visitors 1097
25 photos
Photographs taken in the Beijing (Urban) Planning Exhibition Hall (北京市规划展览馆) in 2005 and 2006. This is a new, fascinating, yet underrated (and "under-visited") exhibit hall with state-of-the-art displays and installations.

The photographs in this gallery depict
- the projected greenbelt around China's capital
- the layout of the Olympic green
- the CBD (central business district), complete with the new CCTV building designed by Rem Koolhaas - the "bagel", as it is called sometimes due to its twisted shape)
- various separate, district-specific exhibit rooms (Xuanwu, Xicheng, Fengtai, Chongwu etc. all have their own exhibit spaces).

For the website of this exhibit hall see

Thomas H. Hahn, July 22, 2006
The projected greenbelt around BeijingCentral Busines District CBD