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Created 27-Apr-17
Modified 26-Oct-23
Visitors 465
30 photos
Some images from April 15 and 27, around the Civic Center in downtown Berkeley. Groups/parties to these demos: Black Bloc, Oath Keepers, Liberty Revival Alliance, American Freedom Keepers, AntiFa splinters, Proud Boys, Identity Evropa, BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), International Socialist Organization, San Francisco chapter of Refuse Fascism, 51st Staters, Berkeley High students, UC Berkeley students, etc. Things were relatively peaceful today, not so on the 15th.

For a useful overview of the various groups see this Berkeleyside breakdown
EggedWoundedPainted ladiesAgainstPro-gunBerkeley High studentOld-school fotographerBuster, the patriotic rodentAgainstProDebate bubbles"Guardian" of free speech"Guardian" of free speech IIBiker dudeParamilitaryOath KeeperGerman Pickelhaube?The interviewThe interview IIThe sceptic