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Created 10-Jan-07
Modified 20-Mar-25
7 photos
The Great Buddha of Leshan, Sichuan province. This site is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, together with Mount Emei in the immediate vicinity.

Visited in December 1981. Minolta SLR, regular slide film.

Slides scanned on a Canon 8600F with 2400 dpi resolution to TIF, converted to JPG and individually post-processed for exposure, contrast, and sharpness.

Uploaded January 10, 2007
Thomas H. Hahn, Ithaca NY
Walkway hewn into the rock around the base of the mountainSame view, cropped & converted to greyscaleOne of the stone Buddhas, an attendant to the Great BuddhaPathway up the mountainLeshan is a favorite tourist spotSitting, resting, on the Great Buddhas left footThe Buddha's head in the clouds, literally (height: over 130 meters)