Created 16-Mar-18
Modified 16-Mar-18
0 photos
Photographs of a very rare German special edition newspaper, published by the Section of the Communist Internationale of the Communist Party of Germany, Berlin 1927. The official title is China im Aufstand. Publisher: Vereinigung Internationaler Verlagsanstalten GmbH; main editor: Hugo Eberlein.

The photographs printed in this special edition newspaper cover the history of the Chinese communist from various angles. They include critical figures and events and places of Republican China, such as:
- Deng Yanda 鄧演達
- Lev Karakhan (Moscow)
- ... (Tschaulidse)
- Lo Pa Hong / Joseph Lu Bohong 陸伯鴻 (Shanghai)
- Wang Jingwei 汪精衛 (Guomindang KMT)
- General Lu
- Minister of Labor Sou
- Tang Yen Kai / Tang Yankai 譚延闓
- Zhang Zuolin 張作霖
- Main building of the strike committee's headquarters in Guangzhou
- Celebration of the 9th anniversary of the Russian Revolution
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