Created 26-Feb-08
Modified 4-May-10
A selection of color and b/w shots of nature details as seen in the Sapsucker Woods near Ithaca, NY. All photographs hand-held and taken with the Nikon D2X and the Zeiss ZF 100mm macro. F-stops range from F2 to F22. The lens is very sharp at F2 already, and provides extremely detailed object rendition at F4 up to F11.
Some files are variations on a theme, i.e. tests undertaken with different RAW developers applied to the same image. As expected, Nikon's Capture NX does a very fine job indeed, but Capture One 4 and the Bibble rendering also produce interesting results.
D2X files are somewhat malleable, not as much as the Fiuji S5, but even drastic underexposure by 3 stops was possible to rescue through PP.
Thomas H. Hahn
Ithaca, NY
© Thomas H. Hahn Docu-Images