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Created 17-May-15
Modified 26-Oct-23
Visitors 332
29 photos
Photographs taken at the 2015 Oakland Malcolm-X Jazz Festival in San Antonio Park, Oakland California.

The event, the way I understood it, was a complex mix of stages, conversations, narrations, and actual performances. Here is a breakdown:
  • Political rally, with Oscar Grant's mother leading the charge against police brutality and violence in the community
  • Dance performances as political statements (against US immigration policies for example)
  • Rap, which I guess is inherently political and socially charged
  • Mural artists (see artist Bass' "Defend your land" piece for example)
  • Actual jazz jammin' (not as much of that as you might think for something that is advertised as a Jazz Festival.
  • Arts and crafts courts, tents by a variety of Oakland associations, of the social justice and neighborhood organizing kind.
  • Food court
Camera used: Leica M-P (240) with the 35mm 'Lux. Processing in CS6 and LR 6.

Thomas H. Hahn
Berkeley, CA
Things did not end well for Malcolm X...His legacy...the mother of Oscar Grant addressing the crowdEveryone on this stage has lost someone, mostly to a shooting, in some cases, by the police"Kiss my black arts" clothing labelA reluctant saxophonist?Rappin' (contre-jour, soft contrast processing)Rappin' (contre-jour, soft contrast processing) IITypical East OaklandFolk enjoying themselvesMalcolm's girlsMalcolm's girlsMalcolm's girls, with members of the Pink PanthersDance performance IIDance performance IIIA (charming) visitorThe interviewThe (staged) fightAmicable end to the fightVeteran of many struggles IVeteran of many struggles II