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Created 24-Sep-14
Modified 20-Sep-19
Visitors 1872
32 photos
Photographs taken with Leica M9 and 095 Noctilux at the 2014 Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. Note that a few images ate not entirely in focus (such as #32 and 33); they are nevertheless posted here anyway because I believe they contribute to conveying the atmosphere of the event. Processing in Lightroom 5.5 and (light treatment) Photoshop.

Thomas H. Hahn
Oakland, CA
CountenanceDominatrixA good, hard look IA good, hard  look IITop hat manUmbrella manThe lady at the gateThe TexanFlogging IFlogging IIWWIII?Alternative medicineThree gents, relaxedBondage IBondage IIBondage III