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Created 30-Oct-14
Modified 25-Sep-23
Visitors 2605
61 photos
Photographs taken during the month of October 2014 in various townships and locations in China:
- Beijing
- Shaoxing
- Yinchuan
- Chengdu
- Tangqi
- Hangzhou

Processed in Adobe Lightroom 5.5 from Canon JPGs only (except #35). B/W conversions with contrast dialed back, some shadow enhancement, very little sharpening, some noise reduction engaged (for the ISO 3200 files). Color images mostly OOC, cropping applied as befitting the composition.

Thomas H. Hahn
Oakland, CA
October 30, 2014
Tibetan monk ITibetan monk IITibetan monk IIIBeggarYoung cop, eying the girlsYoung lady, earpluggedShadow recovery projectGold tooth IGold tooth IITough ladyStoicStylish mustacheSales ladyF**kin' problems hatDiscussing matters with the local deityTibetan ladies, seniorBurdenedNo arms, painting with the legsStreet musician IThe baker