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Created 11-Apr-09
Modified 10-Aug-21
Visitors 2700
70 photos
Upstate New York is a rather troubled area. Geographically speaking, the term includes the following wider areas:
- Buffalo
- Rochester
- Syracuse
- Albany
- Watertown
- Utica
- Binghamton
This listing encompasses the scenic Fingerlakes Region; most of the photographs in this gallery originate from here.

With economic growth lagging well behind the national average, even in a good year, it is no surprise that upstate is deficient in a variety of ways. The region suffers severe job losses, transformation of good land to fallow land, scores of farms going out of business, abandoned homes, trailer parks that litter the (still very scenic) landscape, low industrial output, fragmented cityscapes, southward migration, the walmartization of its retail infrastructure, and so on. It's been that way for a while. A report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published in 1999 gives upstate low marks for economic performance even in times when the rest of the state and indeed the entire country was pulling ahead with much higher GDP numbers. There is no reason to be nostalgic, however. Upstate is a rugged place. People conduct their affairs in a straightforward manner. It is stating the obvious that New York state's most competitive asset in the global economy lies "downstream", in Manhattan. For those in charge, it would be wise - for once - to "look the other way" again and discover what upstate can contribute in the context of industrial and agricultural production.

Thomas H. Hahn
Ithaca, NY
Patrician villa, long abandoned, off Rte. 38, just north of RichfordPatrician villa, long abandoned, off Rte. 38, just north of Richford (sepia toned)Patrician villa - complex front porch design, now with cracked foundationsPatrician villa - boarded-up back entranceAbandoned boat and shed; going up Rte. 14 on the west side of Seneca Lake IDriving up Rte. 14 on the west side of Seneca Lake IIDriving up Rte. 14 on the west side of Seneca Lake IIICaved-in. Rte 14 on the west side of Seneca Lake IVDriving up Rte. 14 on the west side of Seneca Lake VAnother burnt-out and abandoned trailer homeRusty children tractor it would seemSame premises as above, the bulk of a tractorDitto, transporting milk of oldThe two parts of the house leaning into each other (south of I90, near Cazenovia)A TLC project, seemingly given up or suspendedAnother TLC project, seemingly given up or suspendedPremises of the original Penn Yan Gas Light Co., at the intersection of 14a & 54a, Penn Yan. The lot is property of NYSEG.  (Thank you, J. Hand)Old farm (Dundee, NY) I

Guestbook for Moving on - Abandoned homes in upstate New York
Taken individually, you have some intriguing and quite descriptive shots. I very much like your shadows and angles. But taken as a gallery all together, you have a compendium of photos which ought to be viewed and used by politicians and academics alike... this could be a travel journal of the Joad's, yet it's 2009 in New York state. Thank you for taking me on a trip in my own back yard!
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