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Created 20-Nov-08
Modified 20-Nov-08
Visitors 2258
40 photos
In October 2008 I was invited to pay a visit to the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city. The construction site is located out in the Binhai New Area, very close to the coast and the Bohai Gulf. Groundbreaking had just been done some weeks earlier, with a ceremony that saw China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao picking up the tools himself. The entire project is very ambitious and competitive. A so-called Start-up Area SUA will first be developed, with the intention of housing ca. 80.000 residents. "When fully developed, the 30 km2 large Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city will have about 350,000 residents, living in inclusive, close-knit communities with strong social support networks." 20% of the housing space is reserved for lower-income residents.

"The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city is envisioned as a socially harmonious, environmentally friendly and resource-conserving city. It aims to be a model for sustainable development for other cities in China and the world."

This image gallery is a mix of
1. My own images, taken on site;
2. Images taken by me of the explanation boards displayed in the Eco-city Service Center;
3. Official 3D renderings from the project's web site;
4. Photographs of the area model on display in the Service Center's main hall.

The project's official web site can be accessed here.

Thomas H. Hahn
Ithaca, NY
November 20, 2008
The Service (and Exhibition) CenterStanding next to the Groundbreaking stonePosters and visions IPosters and visions IIWalking along the first and only "eco-street" IWalking along the first and only "eco-street" IIWalking along the first and only "eco-street" IIIWalking along the first and only "eco-street" IVA first casualty on "eco-street"Parched saline soils where the eco-city is being builtDecommissioned salt pans3D rendering of the completed eco-city I3D rendering of the completed eco-city II3D rendering of the completed eco-city III3D rendering of the completed eco-city IV3D rendering of the completed eco-city VClose-up of the displayed area model IClose-up of the displayed area model IIClose-up of the displayed area model IIIClose-up of the displayed area model IV